• General

    There is no refund of purchased content (digital codes). If you have purchased any product with the applied method and you have not received at least 1 part or all of your order within 24 hours, you have the right to refund it. Due to some problems caused by platforms, your order may not be delivered on the same day. Necessary informations will be given to you for this. For example, if you purchased 3 products and received 1 product. While the 2nd product was being delivered to you, a problem was encountered on the side of the platform where the product was supplied. We will try to deliver your products within 24~48 hours for the remaining 2 products to be delivered to you. Unless there is an extraordinary situation, there is no refund for the remaining 2 product prices. You will receive your product even if it is late.

  • Warranties

    Before the products are delivered to you, they are checked for validity. Invalid product will not be sold. If you have purchased a digital code and are cant redeem it in your account, please contact us. There is no possibility that the products will be revoked from your account later.

  • Responsibilities

    You must change the login information after purchasing the products for which your login information is requested for the delivery of the product. DigiCheap is not responsible for the possibility of theft that may occur in your account after the purchase is complete. Your Xbox account must be linked to Epic Games for Epic Games products to appear on your account. It is not our responsibility that items you purchase do not appear on Epic Games when your Xbox account is not linked to Epic Games.

  • Legal

    The goods and products from this proposed store are for educational and promotional use only. They impose reality and are not intended to be used as such. No illegal means are intended. `DigiCheap` and all associated parties rescind all liability regarding the buyer`s usage.